B00, (SOUND) Get ready for some Halloween Fun. Go Slow!
Is your electric bill higher in October than in July? If so your probobly a hauntaholic!Do you scare other family members or neighbors on a regular basis? Sometimes without meaning to.
Do people refuse to walk into your house at night.
Is your ideal pet would be a black cat, a tarantula, a snake, a bat, or a rat.
When at the hardware store. The guy at the paint counter sees you coming and starts stacking gallon cans of flat black on the counter.
Does your teenageer wants his/her own coffin bed.
Is there a monster under your bed because your attic, basement or shed full?
Do you find yourself thinking that one corpse is more attractive than another?
Is the only candelabra you own a spider web motif?
You're nervous about taking rolls of film in to be developed, for fear the police might show up at your house looking for the corpses that the developer clued them in to.
People refuse to walk into your house in broad daylight!
You cannot throw anything away that could even conceivably CONCEIVABLY be used to scare someone.
You ask your neighbors about Halloween, they roll their eyes and point at your house! Then your probobly a Halloween hauntaholic!Do you have a room in your house reserved for special props and projects. And you won't allow anyone in there because it will spoil the Halloween surprise!
You spend more on one Halloween than on your entire wedding? Then your a Halloween hauntholic!
You have a customized license plate that has something to do with Halloween!
You spend more on one Halloween than on your spouse for the entire history of your marriage?
You spend more on one Halloween than on your spouse's anniversary?
Your still aren't finished on Halloween, but it'll do. Gotta start earlier next year.
You try to make Fido look like a hellhound every Halloween?
You get more excited over a fog machine than a dirty movie?You have more than ten sound effect CD's.
You play spooky music all year round?
Whenthe family dog ignores masked individuals breaking into your house?
Do you see haunt possibilities with every road kill you cause.
Instead of giving your child a cat or dog did you give them a gargoyle to play with?
You go to a Goth Night at a local club, armed with a pocketful of volunteer recruitment flyers.
You can't watch a horror movie without jotting down ideas every two minutes.
Your neighbors look slantways at you and avoid you a full month before Halloween?
Your shed, basement, & attic contain nothing but Halloween props?
You have names for the skeletons in your closit.
You start actually setting up your yard haunt in August.Your judgeing homes by how well a haunt could be set up in them.
The boys in the white coats are afraid to come in your yard.
You have more help at your haunt than necessary for an old-fashioned barn raising?
your children turn their bedroom into a giant spider web by stringing yarn everywhere and pretend to attack when you get tangled in it.Your 4 year old announces to the class that he or she wants to be a Vampire when he/she grows up.
You're pestered all year by kids who want to know what the theme for this year is?
Your toddler's first word is REDRUM
The Kids hiss at each other and make claws with their hands when they fight.
It's not uncommon to see Barbi hanging on a noose in you're daughters room.
Addams Family books are the most commonly read children's books laying around.
***** *****
Demonosia, Goth Pixie Thanks to Enchantedhollow, Kurt Grigg, Ben Joffe, Lisa, Brian Gosselin, Free JavaScripts provided by JavaScript Source, Talkingwav, Horror and Halloween Graffix, Nabster Music Jukebox - Free Music Downloads , Award Givers Ty, Grafica Augusto Index, Flaming Text, Youtube, Wikipedia, MyNiceProfile.com, Grafica Augusto, Wispers Castle, Dynamic Drive Why No Padlock
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***** *****Vampire at Halloween Fun Scare ***** Bats ***** Bat Facts ***** Dracula's Guest Story ***** Dracula's Mistress
***** Lizzie Borden and The House in Fall River Massachusetts *****
Check out Dorothy Parker A fun loving woman and artist! And others like her that were mistreated because at the time it was the popular thing to do. This woman had many friends and she was very artistic. But she got blacklisted. ***** Dracula - Dracula Lived Halloween Fun Scare ****** The Butcher Boy ***** How Creepy Is this. Robert the Doll ***** Barbados Vault ***** HMS Orion ***** China Doll ***** The Flying Dutchman
Harold Shipman Prolific Serial Killer ***** Psychopaths Have Feelings: Can They Learn How To Use Them *****
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Disorder in the Court Joke
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||| This is Halloween, made by:EvalAce360 ||| Full Horror Farm House Movie |||
***** I have gone fishing. This is the end of my work at Halloween Fun Scare and I have gone fishing. (This one always cracks me up!)*****
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