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Halloween Fun Scare
Halloween Fun Scare International Online Haunted House

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This website best viewed with sound.

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horror spider web scary lightening moon eclipsing
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Moon Traveler


outer space
Outer Space

img src="images/lghtng.gif" width="166" height="179" alt="lightening"> space lightening lightning halloween lightning alien space plannet


saturn plannet
Saturn Plannet


Hold on a minute. Your entering into the world of unknown space. It's time to stand up and take notice. Intense Space things are upon you, I should warn you. You may be attacked at any minute. This unknown outer space page has a void in it, that exists between our celestial bodies. Be carful go slowly. It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles. predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and neutrinos spiral by.

Here day meets night. We dwell in the darkest corners of cyber space? Our resident alien has spoken. flash lightening
twinkling star

Twinkling Star

The Star Poem

For a star that shines like light
Takes me on a tiring flight
Burns into my eyes so bright
Travels through the starry night
Shows me no trace of fright
Holds onto my heart so tight
And suddenly vanishes out of sight..
The Star By: Kewl4ever


Hope you have the sound on. Oh! Be careful. Red Space
You are stranded amidst the red space. From another planet. You're part of an intergalactic expedition, but it's looking increasingly likely that you're also going to be part of spaces digestive system. Our oxygen is depleting. Do you feel something. Don't get scared, because it'll be really unpleasant if you pee your spacesuit in zero gravity. :0)

What was that?


flash lightening


We like to watch this one in full screen.


flash lightening

..flash lightening...flash lightening


It is a

Strange Universe

Where planets and asteroids meteors float by at the blink of an eye. We are here to explore outer space.


outer space man . robot We have space aliens. And space robots! Stop! Don't move. They are headed right this way! Look out. If anything happens to me. And I get abducted. Go on alone. Oh no where did I go?




Invading there space.


Space, planets lurking within are the cause.


. flash lightening


...... alien ship


flash lightening

..flash lightening...flash lightening


This Outer Space Video Is Great.
Outer Space Video

We hope you enjoyed the outer space movie! And were glad you came to visit our strange universe at Halloween Fun Scare. Our Aliens love you to move your mouse around this, they like to fly through this strange universe.


What an amazing universe we live in, of asteroids meteors and meteorites stars constellations!


flash lightening

..flash lightening...flash lightening


Explore Space Some aliens love this world of outer space at Halloween Fun Scare and like to hide amongst it's pages of wicked space, outer space, unknown space, strange universe, planets and creepy pages galore.


flash lightening flash lightening...flash lightening


The first movie was an image of a sun-like star that's surrounded by spiral-arms makes scientists think that planets lurking within are the cause. Such worlds could space-scape gas and dust into arms, rings and lanes.


Take the QUIZ ON OUTER SPACE And OUTER SPACE WORD SEARCH Outer Space Word Search (Printable)
Took the Quiz on Outer Spaces Finalist in the 1999 ThinkQuest Junior competition.


Some estimate the age of our universe to be around 13.7 billion years.


..flash lightening

..flash lightening..flash lightening



Space The final Frontier A phrase originally made popular through its use in the title sequence of most episodes of the original Star Trek science fiction television series.


We recommend these great space websites: | Space Answers | Aerospace Defense and Astronomy | Space Daily | | NASA | Space News | Hubble site | National Space Society | |

see the flash lightening


flash lightening

..flash lightening...flash lighteningrobotman

~>GO Trick Or Treeters and we hope you Enjoyed the Space Treats!
~~> ...> ~~> ~~> ~~~>>scary door <~~ <<space treats ~~~>> Enter Here if you Dare! We hope you enjoyed exploring our world of outer space. This unknown space caused a hole that exists between celestial bodies. It consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles. Outer space movie! And were always adding more. Allways visit our strange universe.
Related Space Pages
Outer Limits in Space | Todays Aerospace Defense Astronomy (Opens in new window. Another space site.) alien ship


Thank ou for visiting our strange universe. You know we will be adding more!



You know we are an eternal entity. There is more below. And the voices told us you were coming. Ha, ha. "Life is too important to be taken seriously." ~ Oscar Wilde 1856.
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Donate This helps pay for hosing of this site and others. Thank you. Enjoy.
candleLit in memory of those lost due to corona virus pandemic.
911 Light Keeper
911 A Light Keeper Site


twinkle star flashlightening
' ' ' crack ghostly lightening moons best
moon eclipsetwinkle star flash lightening
' ' ' Halloween Fun Scare Susandemon
Halloween Fun Scare with Susan The Caretaker of this Unique International On Line Haunted House!


photograph of Susan Flory Susan Flory
Making great efforts to achieve or obtain a shared enjoyment of the internet thats creative and family friendly.
Skills Include website, content creation, web development, implementing custom made API to the web interface, engaging customers, creating valuable content, popularizing the websites, exclusive marketing, advertising, public relations, promotional services, value, branding, products, services.
electric bar


***** Special Thanks *****
Demonosia, Goth Pixie Thanks to Enchantedhollow, Kurt Grigg, Ben Joffe, Brian Gosselin, JavaScript Source, Talkingwav,, Horror and Halloween Graffix, Nabster Music Jukebox - Free Music Downloads , Award Givers Ty, Grafica Augusto Index, Flaming Text, Youtube, Wikipedia,, Internet Archive: Wayback Machine, Wispers Castle, Dynamic Drive, Why No Padlock, Amo le rose rosse


scary lightening
Site Map ***** our pages *****
***** Halloween Fun Scare Scarer's Home Page ***** The Dead Souls Rising in The Cemetery ***** Screams Get Ready To Scream ***** Storm Approaching Prepare For The Perfect Storm ***** Halloween Poems This House is Haunted ***** Story by me at Halloween Fun Scare ***** Brains music ***** Two Faces No Brains ***** Mad Scientist We hope you understand the level of insanity here at Halloween Fun Scare ***** Scary Here ***** Horror to its core ***** Scary ***** Things are getting scarier by the minute! ***** The Mysterious Story of You ***** Fortune Teller Just Ask ***** Devil is Chasing Me ***** Who Dare Yard Roll The Halloween Fun Scare Haunted House ***** Scary Here ***** Voodoo Magic ***** Halloween Is Here ***** Bad News Today Bad Weather news, Death Row news, Disasters news, Interesting Attraction news, Murder news, Torture news, TV and Radio news, Space news, Art news and more. ***** Outer Space - Unknown Space Explore our world of outer space. This unkonwn space causes a void that exists between celestial bodies. It consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles. We have an outer space movie thats the bomb! Visis our strange universe. ***** Outer Limits in Space ***** Outer Space Word Search ***** Black Magic Cat Story ***** Halloween Fun Scare Story by me ***** The Night Sounds ***** Cauldron ***** Witches and Warlocks ***** The Passionate People Eater ***** Radio Music Radio Music Halloween Playlist ***** HFS Music Videos ***** Outer Limits in Space ***** Dance Dead At Halloween Fun Scare ***** Dragon, Dragons, Dragon Fun And The Dragon Fly ***** By The Old Cemetery Fence ***** Why bother to save Halloween ***** 13 Days and 13 Nights of Halloween Fun Songs ***** Halloween Fun Scare Web Directory ***** Halloween EcardsSend Halloween Email Cards (Comming Soon) ***** Spooky Cartoon ||| Halloween Lego Movies ***** UFO Aliens ***** Witches And Warlocks ***** I have gone fishing. This is the end of my work at Halloween Fun Scare and I have gone fishing. (This one always cracks me up!) *****


Eerie Eats and Spirited Snacks On Halloween ***** Spooky Mixed Drink Recipes


Dracula Banner Count Dracula ***** Dracula's Life Vlad III ***** Vampire at Halloween Fun Scare
***** Bats ***** Bat Facts ***** Dracula's Guest Story ***** Dracula's Mistress



***** Lizzie Borden and The House in Fall River Massachusetts *****


Check out Dorothy Parker A fun loving woman and artist! And others like her that were mistreated because at the time it was the popular thing to do. This woman had many friends and she was very artistic. But she got blacklisted. ***** Dracula - Dracula Lives Halloween Fun Scare ****** The Butcher Boy ***** How Creepy Is this. Robert the Doll ***** Bloody Mary Mary Worth ***** Barbados Vault ***** HMS Orion ***** China Doll ***** The Flying Dutchman BLOODY MARY MARY WORTH



Harold Shipman Prolific Serial Killer ***** Psychopaths Have Feelings: Can They Learn How To Use Them ***** Cambridge Rapist Peter Cook




Dead Dan's Shadow **** Willard Livrary Ghost ***** Ghost at Halloween Fun Scare




Glamis Castle **** Barcaldine Castle ***** Merlins Castle





Two Faces No Brains


***** horror movie films *****
Great place to watch Farmhouse Full Movie & Farmhouse Full Movie 2


***** As you lurk through our dark corridors at one point or another you might want to learn more about us and our Halloween home spun Web site. Home Spun About Halloween Fun Scare ***** Webmaster Things ***** FREE Stuff ***** Boutique Halloween Fun Scare Boutique ****** Awards ***** Webrings. ***** VOTE & Top Sites ***** Add Your Site
We are listed as an absolute terror web site. And an International on line haunted house.



***** JOKES *****
Disorder in the Court Joke



***** COMMUNITY *****

Halloween Fun Scare Community Message Boards Forum ***** A Mother At Dusk ***** Best Eye Balls Recipe ***** Face On The Floor ****Fangs Make Long Fangs ***** Halloween Ghoulish Treats Recipies ***** Brain Cell Salad ***** Remembering ***** Your a hauntaholic if you do these. Are You A Hauntaholic


***** games *****
Vampire Test ***** The Black Cauldron Word Puzzle Game ***** Lots of Slots GamesPlay Free Fun Online Casino Games. Sign up for games and compete free for high scores against other players. Join free no download play online games. ***** Accursed Castle Slot Game Free Play Stand along quick play game ***** Fun Pumpkin game free to play See how quick you can grab the pumpkins ***** Halloween Word Search Puzzle Game ***** Play A Game Dracula vs Zombies Game ***** Game Two ***** Halloween Fun Scare Puzzles


***** directories *****
Halloween Fun Scare Web Directory
- Search Engines Directories List

Halloween Websites at Halloween Fun Scare Directory | Directories, Dictionaries and Thesauri at Halloween Fun Scare Directory | Listed Halloween Outlets at Halloween Fun Scare Directory | Entertainment Media Humor and Fun Sites Directory | Haunted Houses Directory | Internet and Commercial Services Directory | Anomalies | High Rank Directories |


***** Halloween spirit *****
Team Spirit Mystickal Realms || Team Spirit Volta || Site Exchange With Us || This is Halloween, made by:EvalAce360 || Full Horror Farm House Movie


***** I have gone fishing. This is the end of my work at Halloween Fun Scare and I have gone fishing. (This one always cracks me up!)*****


***** Join us. try the mental hotline music. Subscribe BeWitched Halloween Music PlayList on YouTube. Halloween Music PlayList


Our Scary Pets
Jackson is our guard dog. He will protect this website. Beware!
More Please!


~ ^ - cat black black cat
Our Back Cat Magic just crossed your path backwards. Lets hope for good luck. Bad luck backwards means good luck. Right? So vote for us please.


And this is Grand Ma our
Halloweens guardian angel
Web Site Guardian



Best Witches, I mean best Wishes. Susan


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